When you go camping often, you get to speak with many other camping enthusiasts. You get to hear about their various experiences and ideas, and you get to share yours. One valuable camping tip that I was told some time ago was the practice of using solar path lights throughout a campsite. The idea is to place a few solar path lights along the various paths that people will be using while camping. For example setting up the solar lights along the path leading to the toilet area, or leading to other tents, or leading from the tents to the communal area. With the solar path lights in place, the paths are illuminated and people can easily navigate their way around the campsite in the dark. This can make for a much safer campsite.
In fact you don’t even need many solar path lights (it very well could detract from the camping ambiance to have brightly lit paths leading to all areas of the campsite). You may only need one or two solar lights spread out along a path just giving a low light indication of where the path lies. The advantage of solar path lights is firstly, and most obviously, that they are self powered and require only stored solar power to run. Secondly they are very cheap to buy and readily available from camping stores, garden centers or hardware stores (even many supermarkets sell them.) Other advantages of solar path lights are they are lightweight, easily packed and transported.
Usually a good set of solar path lights will store enough solar power to provide light to last most of the night. I’ve even had solar lights that have still been shining through to the next morning, albeit dimly lit. Although they are not what most would consider to be a essential item of camping lighting, solar path lights can prove to be a useful means to gently light the way through your campsite. They can add a further element of safety to a dark campsite.